Start Planning

Please review our Terms & Conditions in order to be informed about our policies. We require that the main passenger on the group over the age of 18 years old who will be participating in one of our customized journeys sign a Terms & Conditions document.  Below is a summary of key parts of our Terms & Conditions (for the complete text, please contact us at info@peruoutdoortravel.com).



1.1. We strongly recommend you to take out travel insurance in your country when travelling to Peru. Travel Insurance generally protects you (depending on the policy) from expenses incurred due to flight cancellations, theft, lost luggage and general cancellation in the event that you are unable to carry out your trip as a result of illness or other serious, unforeseen circumstances. It can also cover your medical expenses during travel in case of illness or accident.

1.2. In order to obtain the permits to visit various sites in Peru, your complete, correct personal information (name, passport number and date of birth) must be provided. Failure to provide these on time may result in our inability to attain permits because they are sold out. We are not responsible for the inability to purchase permits as a result of the late provision of information or for the issuance of incorrect permits as a result of the provision of incorrect information.

1.3. Any price increases on train, airline, boat tickets as well National Park fees and hotel rates, between the time of booking and the time payment is made will be passed on to you.

1..4. Please understand that there are certain hazards involved in adventurous holidays, which you must accept at your own risk. PERU OUTDOOR TRAVEL is not liable for any illness, injury or fatality that results from participation in any activities or treks during the holiday, nor will it be liable for any uninsured loss of property.

1.5. If you are unhappy with the services rendered during the course of your trip, you need to notify our team immediately so that we may assist you to alleviate the issue. Refunds will not be granted after the trip has ended unless we are notified during the course of the trip.


2.1. General Chart

Deposit Balance Due
FITS (1 – 4 rooms) At time of booking 70% of the total cost (per person both non – refundable) 30% 60 days prior to departure
GROUPS (5+ rooms) At time of booking 70% of the total cost (per person both non – refundable) 95 days prior to departure
AMAZON CRUISES At time of booking 70% of the total cost (per person both non – refundable) 95 days prior to departure
TREKS & HIKES At time of booking 70% of the total cost (per person both non – refundable) 95 days prior to departure

2.2. FITS (1 – 4 rooms)

  • A non-refundable deposit of 70% of the total per passenger is due at the time of booking as an advance payment for travel planning services, plus any applicable vendor expenses, such as entrance fees, permits to the Inca Trail and any amounts required to secure bookings of trains, flights, cruises and specific properties and services.
  • Final payment must be received no later than 60 days before the beginning of the trip. If for any reason, payment is not received 60 days before, reservations will be released. We will notify you in advance
  • Bookings made within 60 days of travel require full payment upon confirmation.
  • Bookings including Amazon cruises made 95 days or less prior to departure require full, non-refundable payment upon confirmation.
  • For treks & hikes we will ask for 70% upon confirmation and the balance of 30% 95 days prior to departure.

2.3. GROUPS (5+ rooms)

  • A non-refundable deposit of 70% of the total per passenger is due at the time of booking as an advance payment for travel planning services, plus any applicable vendor expenses, such as entrance fees, permits to the Inca Trail and any amounts required to secure bookings of trains, flights, cruises and specific properties and services.
  • Final payment must be received no later than 95 days before the beginning of the trip. If for any reason, payment is not received 95 days before, reservations will be released. We will notify you in advance
  • Bookings made within 95 days of travel require full payment upon confirmation.
  • For treks & hikes we will ask for 70% upon confirmation and the balance of 30% 95 days prior to departure.
  • Its is important to send the Rooming list, and the dietary restrictions.


  • A non-refundable deposit of 70% per passenger will be required to confirm new bookings, and the balance is due 95 days prior to departure date.
  • Reservations made 95 days or less prior to departure require a full, non-refundable payment upon confirmation.


  • A non-refundable deposit of 70% per passenger will be required to confirm new bookings, and the balance is due 95 days prior to departure date.
  • Reservations made 95 days or less prior to departure require a full, non-refundable payment upon confirmation.
  • For some treks in Cusco must be asked in advance. Some hikes like Inca Trail & Salkantay trek are in high demand, so check for availability in advance.
  • We highly recommend to make the payment immediately once you received the availability.


3.1. Amendments by you before the beginning of the trip

  • Requests for amendments less than 30 days before the start of the trip must be in writing. We will try to accommodate all reasonable amendments and modifications to the agreed itinerary after payment is made and/or the trip has begun.
  • All charges corresponding to new services contracted will be passed on to you, and no refunds will be given for unused services and/or accommodation.
  • If you are prevented from taking the holiday due to jury service, unavoidable work commitment, redundancy, illness, serious illness of a close family member or death, you may transfer the booking to a person acceptable to Peru Outdoor Travel provided that:
    • You request the transfer in writing as soon as possible.
    • Your request is accompanied by documentary proof of the reason for the transfer, full details of the person who will replace you, any balance due for the booking and the appropriate administrative fee (see below).
    • The replacement agrees to be bound by these booking conditions. The administrative fee will be US$200 per person, plus any charges levied by the suppliers of your holiday components (hotels, trains, tours, etc). Please note that airlines sometimes charge a 100% cancellation fee plus the cost of a new ticket.
    • Please note that the Inca Trail passes are non-transferable and non-refundable. In that case we will ask the cost to buy a new ticket.

3.2. Amendments by you during the course of the trip

  • It is our commitment that your trip is as flexible as you want it to be, and our service includes our full support on the ground to carry out any changes you may want during your travels. We don’t charge an admin fee to carry out changes you decide to make. However, you must be aware that should you decide to make changes that involve cancelling guiding services, accommodation, certain restaurants and experiences while your trip is underway, there will normally be charges for the new services and no refunds on the cancelled services. In that case our land staff will let you know about the extra expenses.

3.3. Cancellations by you

– Fits

More than 60 days Fully refundable except vendor expenses and deposit
60 – 30 days 50% of total payment minus 100% of applicable vendor expenses and deposit
29-0 days No refunds issued
  • If during the course of the trip you decide for any reason to cancel the whole trip or to realize an altogether change of route, no refunds will be given for the unused services and/or accommodation.
  • Please note that tickets for the multi-day Inca Trail and One-day Inca Trail are paid upon confirmation. These are non-refundable and non-transferable in the event of cancellation by you. If after booking the Inca Trail permits with us, you decide to change the route and/or transfer the Inca Trail to another date, please note the new permit charges will be passed on to you or your client, and no refunds will be given for the unused permits.

– Cancellation by Group (5+ rooms)

More than 125 days Fully refundable except vendor expenses and deposit
124 – 90 days 50% of total payment minus 100% of applicable vendor expenses and deposit
89 – 0 days No refunds issued
  • If individual members of the group cancel, the group cancellation policy applies.
  • If during the course of the trip, some individual members of the group decide for any reason to cancel the whole trip or to realize an altogether change of route, no refunds will be given to those passengers for the unused services and/or accommodation.
  • Perú Outdoor Travel must receive a preliminary list of confirmed passengers at least 60 days prior to departure date. Any changes made to that preliminary list within 15 days of the start of the trip will infer an administrative fee of US$200.00 per substantial change (*).

(*) Substantial meaning an altogether change of route, trek and/or destination changes.

– For Fits & Groups Amazon cruises (except charters)

    • For a cancellation made 125 or more days prior to departure date, the deposit will be refunded less a US$ 200.00 fee per person.
    • For a cancellation made 124 to 90 days prior to departure date, the full deposit will not be refunded as a cancellation penalty.
    • For a cancellation made 89 days or less prior to departure date, full payment will be applied as a cancellation penalty.


In very rare circumstances, Peru Outdoor Travel may have to modify a confirmed holiday before you depart. If the modification is significant (*), Peru Outdoor Travel will notify you as soon as practicably possible and offer you two choices:

    • Cancel the trip or part of the trip and receive a full and prompt refund of the unused services.
    • Accept the alternative, and in case of a change to a lower standard of accommodation, to receive a refund for the difference amount between unused and lower accommodation.

 (*) We define significant as any of the following: a modification of flight time by more than 12 hours, a change of airport [except between airports serving the same city], a change of destination or a change to a lower standard of accommodation.


  • Force majeure refers to any unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond Peru Outdoor Travel’s control, the consequences of which neither Peru Outdoor Travel nor its suppliers could avoid, including, but not limited to: war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity (actual or threatened), earthquake, industrial dispute, technical problems with transport, machinery or equipment, power failure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, flood, drought, adverse weather conditions and level of water in rivers.
  • If as a result of force majeure, Peru Outdoor Travel is rendered unable to provide a portion of your holiday after it has commenced and alternative arrangements must be made, the passengers will have to bear the cost of those arrangements.
  • Under no circumstances will Peru Outdoor Travel offer refunds for cancellations in the event of a force majeure.

Our Term & Conditions may change from time and all updates will be posted on this page. If you need to know more about our Term & conditions you can write to info@peruoutdoortravel.com.


Last Updated: May 23th, 2023


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